Our last Christmas as a family of 5
Ahhh! Christmas was sweet this year as well as many other things. It was joyful. It was bittersweet. It was kinda weird in a way....I'll explain later. But it was good and it definitely didn't disappoint. The weather had me all confused what season we were even in though. What about you?
We started the Christmas celebrations in Ft. Worth with Tyler's side of the family. We normally drive to Brownwood so it was a nice change and much closer for us. We rented out a huge clubhouse which was perfect for our Big Family. Here we all are.

We started the Christmas celebrations in Ft. Worth with Tyler's side of the family. We normally drive to Brownwood so it was a nice change and much closer for us. We rented out a huge clubhouse which was perfect for our Big Family. Here we all are.
Here are the sweet cousins eating lunch together minus Garrett.
My Cooper Bear, he has my heart!
Libby loved our singing snowman we got from Gran Gran and Pa Pa. Ryder stayed close by and danced to it....So Cute!
Zachary looks up to Aiden so much, it so sweet to watch them together!
We also celebrated all the December birthdays too! So many reasons to be thankful for these Women!
Nee Nee with all her Grands. Minus Willow :)
The following weekend on Christmas Eve Eve, we went back to Ft. Worth for another Christmas get together with just Anita (Nee Nee) Tyson, Amanda, Zachary and Garrett.
First, we went out for Pizza! These 3 boys!!! Love them!
After Pizza, we went back to Tyson and Amanda's house and opened presents!
Then we took a BIG Selfie!!!
The best part was that we were all in our PJ's. I hope we continue to do this year after year.
Then we sang Happy Birthday to Jesus! One of our favorite Christmas traditions.
The kiddos enjoyed this box probably more than any of their presents. lol! Love watching these cousins together.
It was another special night! So much to be thankful for!
On Christmas Eve morning, my sweet friend Narci delivered us some home made Cinnamon rolls and in return we gave her our best Christmas cheer and sang a christmas carol upon answering the door. This is us at about 8:30am! #nailedit
The Cutest wrapped presents I ever did see!
About 11am on Christmas Eve, Tyler's Dad (Pop Pop) and Cindy came over. The kiddos always love seeing them.
Libby got a stroller for her doll which she absolutely loves!
And the boys got an air hockey table! Smiles all around!
We totally failed on getting a pic of us all together but it was enjoyed by all.
About 5 pm, we headed over to my brother and sister in laws house. Here is our silly group picture!
Not to mention we all wore our pajamas again!! #winning
And our Family Picture, I wanted to take one like this. Which is a more accurate representation of us. LOL!
Me, My mom and Poppy being silly as well! I thought the beard was a nice touch. ;)
Hanging out in my brothers Antique/Man Cave!!! #lookbutdonttouch
My brothers onesie was the best!
Opening presents is always a hit! We let one person go at a time after the kiddos open so we don't miss seeing anything. Libby loved her Matilda Jane tea set from DeDe. And the Boys were obsessed with all their Pokemon stuff. Oh and my brother surprised the boys with a hatchimal, they were not expecting that at all! Such a fun night together and we ended it all playing Bean-boozled. It was hilarious. Randy Won! I don't know how he choked down some of those flavors. #nothankyou #ialmostthrewup
We got home about 9pm and there was still a lot of work to be done. Libby's kitchen took the longest, we didn't go to sleep till after midnight. Here is Tyler and his mom. I was putting together Libby's bike.
And then Jack was staring at me the whole time. He thinks we got the box just for him. ;)
Actually before the kiddos went to bed though, Cooper was crying of a sore throat which is really unlike him. So I gave him some motrin and he went to sleep.
On top of Libby waking up and ending up in our bed about 1:30am, Cooper woke up at 2am crying uncontrollably about his throat. He didn't have a fever and when I looked in his throat, it wasn't even red. Finally, at 3:30 am I decided to take him to the ER. I figured if there was any way to start feeling better soon, we might as well go now. It wasn't like either one of us were going to get any sleep if we stayed home. So I take him in, and soon find out, its Strep. Ugh! Actually it was kind of a relief because strep heals quickly with antibiotics. Here is my sweet Cooper Bear finally resting.
Meanwhile, this whole time I'm thinking, theres no way we can go to the Ranch on Christmas day, like we actually planned. I was trying really hard not to get really down about the whole next day which was suppose to get started in just a few hours. Not to mention right about midnight, Tyler was saying he didn't feel right and barely slept either. So I had no clue if Tyler was coming down with something or what, I was just trying to take care of the kiddos.
We get home about 4:30 am and Cooper finally goes back to sleep. Libby however is screaming in her room again (she has been sleep regressing big time) so I tended to her. She ends up back in our room because I'm desperate for sleep at this point.
Normally Tyler and I both wake up early and make breakfast and are waiting for the kids as they wake up. We obviously love seeing their sleepy faces get a first glimpse of their presents from Santa and wish them a Merry Christmas.
This Christmas morning was not like that at all. Aiden woke ME up about 7:30am all chipper and ready to go. Libby woke up too when I got up because she was basically sleeping on me.
Aiden and Libby both took a closer look at their Santa gifts. All 3 kids each got some type of ride on toy! Libby also got a kitchen and the boys were suppose to get these giant bean bags but that purchase got cancelled somehow. So at the last minute, I ordered them some gaming chairs from Amazon Prime and we are still waiting on the chairs to this day. #totalfail
At this point, you just got to laugh. Oh well! I really wish they could of seen them on Christmas Day.
Here are their presents from Santa. ;)
Cooper finally woke up about 9:30am and so did Tyler. They both were saying they felt better, which was a total miracle. Aiden and Libby had already opened their stockings....I could only hold them off for so long.
Libby loooooved her bike. She kept saying, Santa brought me a bike. Santa brought me a kitchen. Over and over. It was so Sweet!
I think Aiden was most excited about this $10 camo pocket tool I found at walmart that he can hook on to his belt or backpack when at the ranch or deer lease. LOL!
Here is Cooper actually doing so much better. Must of been my 100 prayers through the night.
I really didn't snap as many photos as usual. I was so tired, lol!
Libby liked her robe too, but she called it her jacket. She was obsessed with her Elsa dress and had to put it on immediately.
All the kids playing with Libby's new frozen play-doh set.
We made a decision around 11am or so, that we would still go to the Ranch. Cooper was making a miraculous turn around and Tyler said he was feeling better too. Praise the LORD! This is when the day started really getting exciting!
First the kiddos had to test out their new toys!
We got all packed up and left the house about 1pm for the Ranch. It was so beautiful when we arrived. Ryn did an amazing job with all the decorations.
We enjoyed the outdoors before it got dark. Colby and Cooper saying hello to our bull, Charlie.
Freckles the longhorn
Rio our horse. Libby loves her some Rio.
The boys all went for a ride hoping to see a hog to shoot before we had dinner.
At about 6 oclock, we had the most incredible dinner. I've never been such a fan of a sweet potato casserole until that meal. Something was different about it. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm.
After dinner, it was time for presents. Libby was enjoying her giant pink unicorn.
How pretty is this???
Then, this happened!!!
Right in the middle of opening presents we got a video chat call from Willow. It was so special to see her sweet face on Christmas Day and everyone got to say hello to her as well. The night just kept getting better and better.

After presents, we brought a baby lamb up to the house that was born earlier that day but it's mama didn't make it. It was sad but as soon as the baby lamb had contact with a human, she was snuggly and calm. It was the sweetest thing ever. We named her JOY. We also got to bottle feed her too.
The kiddos had been begging all day to open their hatchimal so at about 9pm they started rubbing and tapping on their hatchimal to get it to hatch. We were all gathered on the front porch taking turns holding the lamb and watching the hatchimal. LOL! Libby passed out on my lap.
It was the perfect day and I'm so thankful how it turned out considering how it started with Cooper in the ER. Even if we would of had to stay home, we would of made the most of it. But getting to come to the Ranch on Christmas Day was just icing on the cake. I hope its the start of a new tradition!
The next Morning, I woke up ride after Aiden and had to snap these of the other sleeping beauties.
Those of us that were awake all enjoyed the front porch and the little lamb. This is when I started taking about a million pictures of her but I won't share them all. Here ya go. #yourwelcome #cutenessoverload
Anytime you would walk away from her she would start to Baaaa, and run towards you.
How precious! Libby finally woke up too.
This next picture is probably my favorite of the whole weekend. I can hardly stand it. #love #eventhelambissmiling
Then this happened. The little lamb peed on Libby. LOL! We had to wash her blanket immediately. It actually didn't get on Libby, just her blanket.
Libby got a new rocking chair for the front porch. <3
....And her shirt says, This is what an amazing sister looks like. :)
Rocking with Peachie. Libby's Great Grandmother
Here we are ready to go on a morning hayride!
Then the boys did a little target practice with their new bb guns from Papa Mike.
So serious, they both did great!
Libby and Gunner. She loves big dogs!!! These were the last couple pictures I took before heading home. We had such an awesome time at the Ranch for Christmas!!!
And if you are wondering about the little lamb, Joy. My dad took her to my cousins house the next day so she could bottle feed her and raise her till she is big enough to come back to the Ranch. She sent this picture to my dad of Joy snuggling with her dog. I'd say that little lamb has got Life made.
This concluded all our Christmas celebrations and now the kids are back to school and we can get back into a schedule. Routine feels so good but so did having that nice break as well. My heart is full and I'm extremely thankful for 2016. It was our last Christmas as a family of 5, Willow will join our family in about 3 months. We couldn't be more excited!!!
Oh Brooke! So many sweet pictures!! That baby goat though...be still my heart! And I'm so glad Cooper is doing better. Sweet boy!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great Christmas! I'm so glad your boys recovered quickly. Next year you'll have an extra stocking! Eek!!